
Born on February 14 many years ago, I am an Aquarian. The sign for Aquarians is a woman pouring water from a pitcher. Water has always played an important role in my life. First, there were childhood and youthful years spent living along the lower shores of the Delaware River in southern New Jersey, learning to love that total environment. Then there were several years spent along the shores of the Raritan River in northern New Jersey while attending Rutgers University College of Agriculture. Those years didn’t allow much time to pursue watery interests, but introduced me to the Atlantic Highlands area of the state. After that, I began work at the DuPont Experimental Station near Wilmington, Delaware, along the waters of the Brandywine River. It was there that I met the young man who would become my life’s travel companion, husband, and definitely captain of all our vessels. We decided early in our married life to pursue a watery trail, graduating from a small “Papoose” canoe to sailboats ranging from a 16’Comet class, a 30’Atlantic-class, a 25’sailboat which had been severely damaged and sunk and Jim rebuilt, to a 36′ sloop. Our travels in those varied vessels ranged from inland streams, rivers and bays, coastal voyages to Maine, and finally to long-range, deep-water crossings to Europe, through the Panama Canal, and out to Bermuda and Caribbean islands. We have come full circle. We are now back to canoes and a travel trailer, seeking watery adventures across this great land, our home, the USA.

22 thoughts on “About

  1. Thank you for stopping by and following my blog thus leading me to yours – what stories you must have of your past sailing adventures – I look forward to reading more of your posts!

      • Thanks for your encouragement Jean –
        I keep meaning to, but then something else gets in the way! Life..!
        The United Kingdom is a wonderful and beautiful place too, and in the meantime, London is just Fab!
        Emma πŸ™‚

  2. I live not far from the Delaware side of the New Castle -Pennsville Ferry. We crossed many times going from NJ to Florida. I was on the next to the last ferry in Aug. Of 1951 when the bridge was dedicated. I was 6. I can smell your description of the ferry docking ! Still smells the same on this side. My front porch is waterfront , one block east of ferry landing and I have a set of dolphins in front that the local eagles eat their fish on! Thank you so much for your story!

    • So glad you enjoyed the story. I married and moved to DE from NJ in 1963. Always loved the unique smell of the river, and all the sights and sounds. Missing it a lot now – we’re in NW Oklahoma – no water here!

  3. I love your story, although it is true πŸ™‚ I could see everything so vividly! You are a traveler like me. Sounds like you two had amazing adventures! I love the water too — I am a Pisces. πŸ™‚ I always wondered why Aquarius is an air sign, if the symbol is the water bearer? Have you ever thought about that? It is interesting πŸ™‚

  4. I just wanted to thank you for sharing the link for the donation page to help the Lawrence Anthony Earth Organization provide food for the animals in Ukraine. I sincerely appreciate your help. If you know anyone else that would like to help by donations or sharing the link, then please let me know.

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